
Soothing Balm: A Poem by Sujata Dash

The warmth of your smile
has thawed many arduous patches of my life
knitted a neat tapestry of love and understanding
like a soothing balm it has rendered mida’s touch
unfurled an aura of magic

the warmth of your smile is like sun’s ray
In a snowy wintery morning
setting mood for ardent hope and staunch belief
suffusing me with dexterity
to handle both opaque and apparent situations alike

the warmth of your smile kindles a spark in me
hones my sleepy morns, configures perspective
I dare to fathom rambling terrains
and ever changing coastline that lies ahead of me

the warmth of your smile resurrects life’s meaning
when I am battered by inconspicuous cliffs and grim sea
fanned by dreary tempests and gusts of wind
never let that fervour dwindle nor lose its verve and zeal.