
The Warmth of Your Smile: A Poem by Staffy Bhateja (Steffi)

When life throws those tiring, tedious downs at me,
When even mother’s embrace is not soothing,
When the world points fingers at me for not following the hackneyed, conventional path,
When tears drop down from my eyelids for my erstwhile sins and sorrows,
When the vortex of emotions is unable to keep my sanity intact,
O Dear Beloved,
It is your smile that helps me to realise life in all its glory
For the gentle curve is caressing, cuddling, comforting
Melancholy could be my bosom-friend
Had you not shown me your lovely simper during those dark moments,
The Cheshire cat-like grin is my instant serotonin-booster, for sure!
For it sends vibrations of love and camaraderie- both at the same time!
And no sooner do I comprehend the pricelessness of my being,
For the warmth of your beauteous smile makes me realize that it is the simplest way to comport life!