
Sing the Sparrows’ Song, Grandma

Sing the Sparrows’ song, Grandma,

Asked my little granddaughter!

I sang but in dilemma,

My eyes filled with tears!


Easy it was to sight birds in the olden days,

Rare find it is in this techno-phase!

Survival of wings

Is a big fight for these beings.


Her small heart, tender brain,

Understands only

Dreams of the moon and drops of rain.

I can’t spill the reality,

I wish to stop this cruelty!


What should I explain,

To that furl of innocence,

I will strive to bring back the beauty

I trust in Mother Nature’s victory!


Small steps, small changes,

Spilling seeds, reusing stuff,

Recreating chirping meadows,

Helping nature triumph!


Kavita Sangras Kanherikar

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