
I Still Remember That Night: A Poem by Vandana Nadar

I still remember that formidable night
When I couldn’t see a soul in sight
Heavens too looked at me with spite
Rumbling and growling, pouring out their anger on the streets so quiet!
But I had no choice but to cross
that infamous dark alley
to reach the light.
With heart in my mouth and prayer in my heart
With heavy steps, I made a start
Lonesome and friendless, desperation gnawing at my soul
I made my way amongst the darkest of shadows
Petrified, fumbling and blundering, I strode
Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone held my hand
As if to goad
And I felt a new surge of hope
The path was cleared
The silhouettes soon left me alone
I knew now, what I must hone
Faith in humanity and compassion
For that is the path to lessen all human woes!