
Fairy Tales: A Poem by Vandana Nadar

Everyday mother would say
“Go child, go out. Evenings, you must meet your friends and play.”
So, off I would go, jumping, hopping gleefully playing those games that taught me team spirit and to stay happy with whatever came my way.
Much happened in the playground but it would never return home, come what may. 
So we learned to deal with conflicts while we played.
All we knew was to spray the hues of laughter and gaiety on each other and to sway our bodies, matching our steps so that no one strayed.
Social evenings, weddings, or religious congregations, we attended all, and with sincere hearts, we prayed,
“This must never end, this beautiful age.”
But the prayers were a waste
For it was to end and slayed, the childhood of carefree days
For time and tide can’t wait to be gone leaving behind only the trail
of moments to stay
behind as childhood memories
to be cherished as a phase from the past; Also someday to share with children or grandchildren as some bedtime fairytales!