
Dreamer: A Poem by Manisha Amol

Donning a resplendent glisten in the eyes,
Infectiously magnetic and a broad radiant smile,
Exuberant expressions set to conquer the world,
Desirable and a passionate
a dreamer he turned!

The previous night was laden with an awakening dream,
Thoughts were detangled in a fresh new realm,
Decluttered mind prodded with silent utterances,
Resurrecting new aspirations with no hindrances!

Awoke to a bright new morning,
The amazing wonders of nature inhaling,
Igniting within a new ray of hope,
Ready to tighten the loose ends of life’s rope!

Heart full of gratitude and a contended soul,
With a burning desire to reach his goal,
Encamped with the feeling of undying optimism,
Crushing the mountains of fear-filled negativism!

Was moving on the pathway to meet his soulmate,
Myriad hues of colorful petals strewn on the way,
A potpourri of emotions bundled up together,
To embrace with delight what life had to offer!