
Holiday Season: A Poem by Vasudha Pansare

The holiday season is here again,
All of us want to have fun and step out,
Everyone is tired of being imprisoned at home,
We want to travel and get about.

But the virus too has again mutated,
Leaving us angry and frustrated,
People are becoming careless, reckless,
Nations are feeling extremely helpless.

We want our carefree life back again,
Enjoying and travelling without pain,
We want to visit the far off mountains, seashores,
Dreaming of beautiful destinations and freedom from chores.

Oh God! Give us our holiday season,
To celebrate give us a good reason,
Let humankind rejoice for a while,
Let us feel the breeze and sunshine and smile.

I yearn for the holidays of my childhood,
When aunts and uncles and cousins got together,
And all of us felt light-hearted and joyful,
And believed that the fun would continue forever.

Will we ever feel carefree again?
Can our days ever be without pain?
Can this burden of worries disappear?

Can we ever have a holiday without fear?