
Am I a Poetess?

I am a poetess; I can imagine the unimaginable

I want to imbibe nature

I desire to love endlessly

And I love to dream with my dreamy eyes and dreamy mind

The harsh realities of today can’t camouflage my desires

As I wish to burn the world’s hatred with my ‘mighty pen’


The goal to overcome those passionate struggles

The  fearlessness to move ahead in stressful times

The ‘wanted’ company, which I long for

The guilty pleasures of childhood, youth and adulthood

Are all provided to me by this loveable, tiny and seemingly unimportant “ink” of mine


My poetess’ mind never lets me sleep until I pour my heart out on my “Little Journal”

The realization that I am a poetess makes me feel strong and complete about myself

It ignites my soul which probably can illuminate other souls

The satisfaction I derive is inexplicable


Thus, gradually, hesitatingly, unconsciously as well as consciously,

I agree and I am glad to accept

That I am a poetess who is breathing, smelling, speaking and munching poetry

Ruchika Rastogi