
Yes! I am a Homemaker!: A Poem by Staffy Bhateja (Steffi)

Getting up hastily every morning,
With no time to catch up on the headlines of the papers,
Heading towards the kitchen,
Fondly preparing meals for the upcoming day,
With leisure and entertainment, from me, miles away

Dusting the furniture, cleaning the dishes,
Yes! I am a homemaker and I can’t have any wishes
For I am an ordinary person,
With such duties and compulsions,
Yes! Life can be a burden

Monotony and Chaos- epithets of my daily, mundane life
Drudgery and Unpaid Labour- are how it is defined
Painting, Playing, Partying- luxuries that I cannot afford
For I am a meagre being in this humble abode

Yes! I am a homemaker!
I lead an ordinary life,
Neither a celebrity nor a pompous billionaire,
I am a doting mother and a lovely wife!