
Walk and Talk


Every walk has an element of cool freshness, a story untold and nature’s bountiful offerings in the most surprising manner. And when you have some company for walk, it’s like Sone pe Suhaaga!

Remember, walk and talk go hand in hand to boost energy levels, improve immune system and rejuvenate the pulsating heart. If you don’t agree with me, go take a walk!

Try for yourself and check it out. The only prerequisite is that you must have a friend to walk along. A penny for your thought!

My neighborhood friend Renu calls me every evening to ask, “Are you coming for a walk?”

“Yes, of course we will meet at 8pm,” I reply enthusiastically.

And we start our walk with happy gaiety.

Every new bend leads us to a new lane and so does the flavour of our talks.

During one such walks, on reaching the corner bend, we crossed the cremation gate and walked along the road that had Jain temple in the middle of neat rows of houses on the right and the entire stretch of M-Block park on the left.

Keeping up the pace along the boundary of the park, I noticed a spark and cried aloud, “Renu, look! Something is shining over there.”

Taking a closer look I shouted again, “See, someone has lit a diya in the hollow of the peepal tree!”

Both of us kept looking at this simple yet divine view. The light had spread its halo around the tree. It looked serene and pious.

“What day is it today?” I asked Renu on impulse.

“Saturday,” she replied.

“No wonder! People light a diya under the peepal tree on this day,” I said.

“Why?” enquired Renu as we resumed our walk and of course, our talk.

“The peepal tree is revered in Hinduism and many mythical tales are related to it. Not only this,” I continued, “it is believed that the peepal tree represents the trinity of Hinduism. The roots represent Lord Brahma, the trunk, Lord Vishnu and the leaves, Lord Shiva. Many believe that Hindu Gods hold their council under this tree,” I elucidated.

“Really? I didn’t know this,” Renu admitted.

“There are two short stories attached to the lighting of diya under the peepal tree,” I added.

“Which ones?” asked Renu.

“Devi Lakshmi had a sister called Kulakshmi. She was known to live in misery and bring bad luck; that’s why she was also called daridra (the one who lives in poverty). She lived under the peepal tree in darkness and misery. God Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi visited her every Saturday and brought her some gifts. To welcome her sister, Kulakshmi would light a diya. Believing this myth, people light a diya every Saturday under the peepal tree so that it may bring them wealth and good luck.”

“Wow! I didn’t know that. This is quite interesting,” Renu quipped.

“Not only this, there is another story attached to it,” I said smilingly.

“Yet another story! Which one?” exclaimed Renu.

“It is given in the Puranas that once, demons defeated gods and goddesses and Lord Vishnu took refuge in the peepal tree,” I stated.

Renu had a good laugh.

“There is no end to our mythologies,” she added.

“What I know about the peepal tree is that Gautam Buddha got enlightenment under this tree and it is also called the Bodhi Tree. Also it releases oxygen even at night,” she explained.

“Yes, very correct.” I nodded.

Our walk had finished by now and so had our talk.

Bidding goodnight to each other, I climbed the stairs of my house as she stepped hers, with the hope to resume our walk the next day.

Kiren Babal