
100 Word Stories on People of Determination

The Cubicle

Jayesh walked solitary, across the corporate campus and took the stairs to the first floor. The engineers’ cubicles were empty. He systematically moved from cubicle to cubicle, picking up the worksheet on each table. Taking the paper stack to his cubicle in the darkest corner, he removed his shoes, positioned his laptop bag next to his feet, switched on the monitor, folded his hands in prayer and started working. Before the engineers arrived, floor manager Rakesh had placed the right worksheets on their tables. Jayesh had picked up dummies. Rakesh knew Jayesh’s habit, knew he was on the Autism Spectrum.

V R Ferose


Breaking Barriers

It was Shreya’s monthly visit to the orphanage where she performed every year. Shreya worked in an MNC but Bharatnatyam was her passion. As she did her moves gracefully, her eyes kept wandering towards the little girl with brown eyes. The girl’s expressions made up for her immobile legs. Shreya felt an instant connection and her heart melted. Next moment, Shreya was completing legalities to adopt Amiya.

Shreya quit her lucrative job to create a perfect world for Amiya. Today Amiya assists her mom in their dance academy as a choreographer. Her expressions have taken the dancing world by storm.

Nisha Tandon

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