
The Season of Love: A Poem by Banani Sikdar

As though a bonded slave, River Hay, a Tundra Beauty, gets subjugated,
In a semester-long forced hibernation, she awaits him, to be united.
Mighty, weighty, obstinate ice sheets on her surface,
With astounding grip, blankets her fluid, balletic grace.
The perennial struggle love suffers from boorish antagonists,
Her heart throbs, for the hint of warmth slightest.
Just as Appollo picks up to thaw stubborn icicles,
Waits not, wastes not she, a moment single.
Sensing Spring, she gives a spritely twist,
Dislodging some of her chunky weight.
Spirited, she thrusts repeatedly with all her girth,
Her steady, Southern confide transports bulk of genuine warmth,
Through frantic sliding, colliding cracky ice, shimmers her ebullient blue,
With gingling confusion, gives in the ice armada finally, having no optional clue.
In pursuit of love, unstoppable, she makes a springboard dive,
Her gallant enamor, Lake Great Slave, engulfing her with affectionate pride.
A wild, noisy, laid-bare love story gets documented,
Christened by Spring “The Season Of Love”, best celebrated.
Most authentic Romance beyond any human or mythical capacity,
Enthrals me, each time, with a fresh, fascinating, glorious entity.