
The Mysterious Damsel: A Poem by Rupinder Kaur

The mysterious damsel of breaths,
Though ephemeral companion,
Yet beloved mortals of all,
Shrouded like God at every step,
Thou reveals thy colors when,
Time reaches its destined hour,
In every shape, thou beams with splendor,
Carved in every soul to experience,
Existence in myriad shapes and forms,
Love is Thy nucleus and supreme power,
At every corner life meets life,
To make negatives of memories,
Enchantress, illusionary are thy names,
Thou never cease to exist,
As you leave thy trail in tales of beings,
For some thou are Muse,
For some you are Bane,
O Dear Life in all respects,
Thou proffer ample provision,
To adorn Self with Thy sage.