The breeze plays on the green keys of nature,
Melodies in ripples of spontaneous dip and swell,
The leafy notes sway in gentle or in euphoric rustle.
The tinkle of water from flowing fountains,
Sprinkle notes of melody invoking a sweet ambiance,
In euphonious glory cascade down in consonance.
The rumble of clouds in deep dark attire,
Drums they play with ardor unbound,
The climax with the symphony of rain argentine.
The rush of waves on the sabulous bed,
Strings of a harp in unanimous ecstasy,
Making music in a rhapsody of ebb and flow.
The tumble of water down the craggy hillside,
Tunes of jaltarang in mellifluous abundance,
A song of vivacity over rocks and stony surface.
Every tune and note, anxious, amorous, sad or gay,
Unite in the song of nature continuously at play.