
Rain rain go away…: A poem by Manisha Amol

Rain rain go away…

You created havoc all the way.

Feel the panic and the pain…
Precious lives lost, purpose in vain.

Relentless downpour not needed…
You destroying lives not heeded.

Anxiety and suffering in your presence…
Romanticism lost in its entire essence.

Too much of anything highly undesirable…
Leads to satiety turning lives miserable.

Aim and purpose of your advent is lost…
Irreversible damage to the crops and livestock.

Floods ferociously engulfing all in its way…
Wiping away villages drowning all in the fray.

One of the worst years of a heavy downpour…
Has shaken our conscience out of the torpor.

Nature deeply bruised unable to heal itself…
Yes! we created this mess for ourselves.

Notwithstanding the agony of the sufferers…
Excessive rainwater causing existence seizures.

Pay heed to the prayers of the poor and needy…
Rain rain go away and do not be greedy.