
Our Childhood Home: A Poem by Charu Kalra

I walked along the narrow path,
Soaked in the quaint memories of my past.
Where emotions painted the cerulean firmament,
And the curtilage swayed in evocative fragrance.

I sauntered in search of my roots,
Drenched in the enticing aroma of myriad hues.
Where the savouries were swaddled in pure essence,
And nostalgia spoke in all its mellifluence.

I ambled in its shade,
Where the sepia-tinted portraits had their say.
Forging connections with my existence,
And I delved into the saccharine reminiscence.

I wandered back to its comforting folds,
On the scaffolds, with childhood stories waiting to be told.
Where my humble dwelling whispered its tale,
And remnants of layers left a trail.