
My Soldier my braveheart: A poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

I taste my emptiness of love, darkness dims the flame of life
When time casts its eternal pall, patience seems to fly from the field of  light
End of time seems long away, but I know it’ll happen someday
In the luster of anticipation, I shine, dreaming of moments when you won’t be far away
I discerned the discipline of a soldier in your gait
The honor of a soldier was conspicuous as you talked
The unconquerable courage of a soldier I could see in your sparkling eyes
With the loyalty of a soldier, I realized, you wouldn’t compromise
There were so much strength and  sturdiness in you that made you stand apart
I fell for you and loved you from the depth of  my heart
When all were in slumber, with grit, determination, dedication, and devotion you went off to the  line
Your wearing, your bearing, your buttons all a shine
With indefatigable resolve, indomitable, invincible spirit you marched to anthems and bled for the cause
So much war and loveless scores, a soldier must endure I suppose
Every day I support you and give you my utmost admiration
Staring death in the  eyes with courageous smile and valor you fight to defend our nation
With a face of  stoicism, you hide your haggardness underneath
The mask of a sinewy soldier peeking out from beneath
Through my tears, my respect and reverence for my beloved soldier is revealed
As a proud wife, I’ll always be there for you in your hard, onerous and arduous plight.