
Mother’s Magic!: A Poem by Lakshmi Ajoy

The inexplicable tolerance of your pain at my birth,
The miraculous power of your healing touch in my illness,
The magical glamour of your smile at my achievements,
The remarkable taste of your food on my platter,
The incredible patience of your moods at my tantrums,
The unparalleled experience of your methods at handling my mistakes,
The astounding intuitions of your mind at my sorrows,
The unprecedented sense of your mind at unveiling secrets,
The mind boggling sacrifices of your own needs for the family,
The unaccountable protection of my self respect and worth always,
You are that phenomenal creation of the Almighty,
An extension of The Divine’s Mercy, Care and Grace,
An epitome of supreme unconditional Love,
Someone who creates a sense of belonging,
To alter my flaws and guide me on the righteous path,
Mother, you make me who I am truly meant to be, today and everyday,
While being the ideal example of the Imperfectly Perfect,

And mirroring the qualities of being Perfectly Imperfect!