
Morning After A Storm: A Story by Aaradhana Agarwal

Meeta returned home at midnight after a tiresome flight journey that was rescheduled twice and so, instead of reaching at 8 P.M. she arrived at the hour when deep tranquil silence was reigning her locality. Her tired self could not think of what to cook though she felt a deadly pang of hunger. She enquired at the nearby restaurant and was informed that till 1 A.M food could be delivered. She excitedly placed her order.
She freshened up and waited eagerly for the meal. At a quarter to one, the doorbell rang. She looked through the eyehole and saw a girl waiting outside. She happily opened the door. The girl was in her twenties. She looked exhausted. Meeta offered her a glass of water and asked if she had had dinner. The girl replied negatively. Meeta invited her to share the meal. She hesitated but had nowhere to go further for food delivery, so she accepted the invitation.
Meeta enquired about the girl’s life. She said that she was doing her masters in literature and to meet her educational expenses she did the job of a food delivery woman. Meeta asked if she was not scared of working so late. She replied that her dream to pursue a doctorate degree gave her enough courage. After the meal, she thanked Meeta and left her house. Meeta saved her number.
After five minutes her phone rang. She picked up the call as it was from the delivery girl. She heard a male voice threatening the girl. Meeta immediately dialed the police and connected them with her. The police could also hear what was happening at that moment. The man was asking the girl to obey him, otherwise, she would have to face dire consequences. She was pleading but her request fell flat on him. The police immediately traced the location.
The girl was terrified for her life. The person was drunk and held her hand so tightly that she could not release her from his grip. She regretted her decision of stopping her scooty on the vacant road to save the drunkard. He looked so horrible with a knife that she was in a panic attack. She couldn’t think of what to do for saving herself. She shouted but on that service lane, her cry reached no one.
She bit his wrist to ran. He too chased her. Just then, he was caught by the police. She was rescued. She couldn’t control her tears when saw Meeta with the police. She might accidentally dial the last number which was of Meeta who instantly sensed the risky situation and took the right step. After the horrific stormy encounter at night, the next day morning was sunny and relaxed.