
Goodbye: A poem by Banani Sikdar

2020, we bid you Goodbye, a year of exception,
You’ll be remembered for eons by generations,

A year that taught us many a lessons,
The best being, that Home is the best option.

We learnt that Good Health is actual Fair,
That Life is a treasure, needs utmost care.

That ‘Sweet Are The Uses Of Adversity’,
Humanity, Apathy and Altruism need more prosperity.

2020, we bid you Goodbye, a year of exception,
That leaves us pondering about Life’s perception.

Amongst pleasantries all, Goodbye is the toughest,
A terminal term, that chance of parley is remotest.

Meeting is a perchance, parting is inevitable,
Destiny is what rules us, unseen, indomitable.

We can let go a year, not the memories inlaid,
Makes it all the more difficult to say Adieu Sweet.

May we bid Goodbye to 2020, wishing Covid a close exit, 
May we welcome 2021, with usual exuberance and spirit. 

Let’s be joyous and buoyant about the New Year, 
Let’s hope that the fresh year be filled with cheer.