Sandwiched between done, dusted and dumped Yesterday
And very uncertain, unknown, unsure Tomorrow,
Lies a beautifully gift wrapped ‘Today’…..
With a label attached In Big Bold Letters ….CARPE DIEM…
With Best Wishes From – The Heavens Above
New dawn, A fresh n beautiful ‘TODAY’ …..
Lands at your doorstep
Today – A bouquet of fresh, fragrant moments
A bouquet of colorful, vibrant moments
In jubilation… hugging, urging you to
Seize the moment …..
To overcome the odds, to carve a niche for Yourself
To attend to your failures/fatigue of yesterday’s
To express your joy, your happiness, your gratitude
To Live life to the fullest, as if there is no tomorrow
This might well be the MOMENT …seize it with all your might
To pick up from where you left
To build, to reconstruct, to retrospect
Live life to the hilt, before these flowery moments wilt
You live Today only once, make the best of IT !!!!