
A View to Behold


The forest was aflame with clusters of oranges and reds,

As she, on the soft velvety petals tread.

The magnificent view had her in its vice enthralled,

A dazzling crimson carpet at her feet was gloriously sprawled.


The leaves drifted down in twos and threes,

Rustled and settled down in the evening breeze.

The bare trees too topped with their scarlet mops,

In the wind lazily dripped their bits of sun drops.


The distinct parrot-shaped flowers spread on the top,

A flaming torch made an onlooker’s eyes pop!

Not for nothing, it’s named, ‘Flame of the forest’

In its splendorous beauty our attention arrests!


Standing beneath this canopy of fire,

Towards a bright life, she vowed to aspire.

Like the flames that reached for the sky,

She too aimed to soar up and fly!


Not for her a mundane life,

Flame of the forest taught her wise,

Weathering tough conditions is a given,

If in your life, you want a slice of heaven!


Vaishali Chandorkar Chitale

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