
A New Beginning: A Poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

With love’s warm sun setting in, its brightness vanishes
Eyes with hot tears are wet, in heart lingers the thorns of roses
Together they had shared their life with so much love
Parting left scars and bruises upon her broken heart
The heartache and sadness was too hard to bear
She became tired of living a life of darkness and despair
Waves of turmoil rising, all her happiness was gone
With emptiness growing inside, she lacked all strength to carry on
Yet, out-of-the-way, where her thoughts she never thought to wander
A new beginning had been quietly forming, waiting until she was ready to emerge
Then the delight, when her courage kindled, out she stepped on to a new ground
Unfurling herself she saw a path of plenitude all around
Then one day an amazing thing happened
That put all her tiredness, trials and pain to an end
She came in contact with some children of distress
Seeing their bare survival, their grievances she longed to redress
She gave them shelter, let them bloom with fragrance, let them live
Now she wanted nothing realizing the joy of giving
This new beginning filled her with rainbow light and hope
She lost the fear of sunset drear,while on the ascending slope.