
All of a sudden one day: A poem by Nisha Tandon

The splash of rain across her innocent face always raised her spirits
She jumped in muddy puddles and didn’t seem to care
For the onlookers who may be forming an opinion
Her childlike heart, she was ready to bare

The silvery raindrops trickled down her arched brows
Onto her trembling lips that broke into a radiant smile
The false commitments and broken promises all forgotten
The worries at the back of her mind could wait a while

Her languid eyes sparkled amidst the droplets
Her heart seemed to dance and play a melodious tune
As she gathered the gift of nature in both her palms
She felt she had managed to break through the caged cocoon

She was captive no more to the opinions of the world
And decided to live life abundantly on her own terms
She left behind all the traumatic memories
A fire to revolt within her forever burned

She found peace in the tranquility of nature
The serenity of the showers gave her quietude
She needed no one to make her complete
And she lived with pride and an impetus attitude

Then all of a sudden one day everything changed
Her surreal world came crashing down
A near-fatal accident left her tied to the wheelchair for life
And today in those raindrops she felt her helpless tears drown