
Because I Love You: A Poem by Amrita Mallik

Because I love you I can steal the stars,
And, rob the sky of its pride and glow,
Or, maybe, I can stop the clock,
And, eternity will witness our love story.
If you think all these and much more,
I’m sorry to say that you’re mistaken,
I may love you but I certainly follow not,
The clichéd interpretations and expectations.
Love will be there in its right place,
Yet, I’ll remain a different individual,
And, I can’t alter myself beyond a limit,
Nor wipe out my identity just to fit in.
On the thorn bushes of life you’re my rose,
You’ve added a new chapter in my book,
And, I’m grateful to you for your affection,
Your care and your genuine acts of love.
But trust me when I harp on differences,
You and I can be together forever,
With our diverse opinions and thinking,

For love is a celebration of two opposite poles.