
Colors of a Rainbow


Listen children,

Do you know what makes a rainbow?


Some see a scientific reason behind it,

Some say it’s a demon’s bow

Some say it is a bridge from sky to the earth

By which a king frog gets landing to his burrow

That’s why mostly in a rainy season

Often appears such a rainbow


Listen children,

Do you know how a colorful rainbow is made?

When light travels into a droplet

It reflects from within

And just like a prism it makes a rainbow


Listen children,

Do you know how many colors are required to make a rainbow?

Seven colors need to glow

To make a luminous rainbow

These colors are red, orange, yellow,

Green, blue, violet, and indigo


Listen children,

Do you know there are few other kinds of rainbow?

Fog bow, a moon bow, twinned rainbow

Multiple rainbows and full circle rainbow


Listen children,

Do you love the rainbow?

I also love the rainbow

It gives color to our life just like God has made us,

In different skin colors to glow

Everywhere altogether, like a rainbow


Perwaiz Shaharyar

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