The stars, reluctant, whisper their farewells,
As darkness sighs, its cloak begins to thin.
Night, jealous mistress, clings to her black veils,
Dreading the sun’s bold kiss upon her skin.
The wind, a silent preacher, bids us wake,
Its breath a hymn that stirs the sleeping leaves.
Time, that sly thief, now steals the silver lake,
As dawn ignites the dreams the moon bequeathes.
Each shadow crouches, wary of the morn,
Fearing the gold it cannot hope to claim.
The earth, a lover, waits to be reborn,
In fire’s blush, to take the sun’s true name.
Yet here we sit, between the now and then,
Between night’s languor and day’s sharp decree,
Entranced by what the silent heavens pen,
Their fleeting truths a kind eternity.