
When we First Met at Twilight

Sheeny are the memories as the majestic splendour of the drowning sun,
Calm and quite as a limpid faucet runs,
Down the memory aisle oft I retreat to the past,
To see the astounding twilight tickling my mind fast

In murmuring of the river reverberated paean of love,
Eyes to eyes, bathed in warmth of the two entwined hearts,
We floated and rejoiced with the revelry of the ripples,
Passion of our love as the fiery ringlets of waves made our souls dribble.

Setting was the sun brushing sepia over the indigo sky
Oozing serenity from nature’s robust canopy,
Melting was I in his ineffable embrace,
The boat was going forth like a penumbra with an ethereal grace

The calming breeze, the prow, and the illuminated world around,
I quaffed the elixir of his love, and his words like music to my ears did sound,
Gasping in passion and comfort, I sat beside
Still cherish the moment when we rode first together in that ambrosial twilight.

Sampurna Ganguly

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