
When Stars Descended Upon the Stage


“Embrace the unique way your child is blooming – even if it’s not in the garden you imagined.” ~ Jenn Soehnlin 

Life isn’t always what we presume it to be. And if we have a person with special needs or different abilities in our lives, it’s even more unpredictable. The journey is different, so is the destination. The ways to achieve and accomplish goals are different, but that doesn’t stop us from trying. The time consumed maybe more than expected but ultimately, we arrive at the destination.

Unprecedented challenges, initial failures, and occasional roadblocks only made us more determined to achieve the goal of successfully presenting a flawless performance by 35 people of determination on stage on the 14th of May 2023, at the Pearl Wisdom School, Dubai. This was done in collaboration with Dubai Emeralds Lions Club, and the success of the event could not be attained without their relentless and unconditional support. We, at G3 Creative Galaxy (G3 representing Gratitude, Grace, Gifted, it is an endeavour to bring together shining stars), with whole hearted commitment, left no stone unturned to ensure that this opportunity was used appropriately. The feeling was surreal.

Dubai Emerald Lions Club celebrates uniqueness and inclusion. A program to empower the children of determination was conceptualized and executed by the Lions Club & performers of G3 Creative Galaxy, and together they executed an extraordinary show of talent/s and creativity. The audience witnessed the gifted children unleash their potential, and were left awestruck.

As the entire team behind this show stated – “The sweat, sleepless nights and rigorous discussions, arguments, differences, were all worth it.” It left many teary-eyed to see these people of determination overcome their shortcomings and make their presence felt on stage in full glory. It was heartening to receive accolades and positive feedback from the prestigious guests of honour.

The theme for the event was “VIBGYOR- The Spectrum of Talents” and the performers added colours to the already vibrant VIBGYOR – the colours of confidence, aspirations, and most of all, love and acceptance. A rainbow carries a personal symbolic meaning, representing inclusivity and diversity, an all-embracing image of love and friendship. The seven colours of the rainbow, named VIBGYOR are symbols of hope, promise, peace, equality, luck, new beginnings, and eternal life. They were meaningfully represented by the acts put up by these gifted children.

The show started with the National Anthem of UAE – “Ishy Bilady”, sung with passion and enthusiasm by our talented performers as one of them played the keyboard.

“Yoga is a light, which once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.” B. K. S. Iyengar 

To represent the V of the VIBGYOR, “Viva, the gift of yoga”, the team from Heartfulness Meditation Center led the little yogis as they stretched with unique postures to bring calmness and relaxation.

I of VIBGYOR is the “Incredible Mélange of Melodies” presented from pan India by our very talented singers. Music knows no boundaries and through their songs they left the audience mesmerized.

B of the VIBGYOR represented the “Bejewelled Pride” of G3 Creative Galaxy. The sparkling stars walked the ramp with their parents, twinning in colours of the rainbow and bedecked the skies to illuminate them incessantly.

The most precious gems that we have were unearthed on the stage as G of VIBGYOR. The “Gems” slowly unveiled, showcasing their unique talents and leaving one asking for more. There were acrobatics on skates, live paintings, and a display of Kalaripayattu, an Indian Martial Art.

Y of VIBGYOR stands for the “Youthful Movers and Shakers”. The rockstars had the audience on their feet with a good blend of traditional and contemporary dances.

Music reaches part of the brain that other things can’t. Musical instruments increase and enhance memory. We had an unforgettable experience as we lost ourselves in the melodious world of “Opulence of Symphony” that represented the Oof VIBGYOR.

Last but not the least, we witnessed the “Resplendent Jewels” taking their walk of Fame so confidently, making us believe that with their confidence and self-dependence they can achieve the impossible. They walked on the stage with great poise and perfect pose, showcasing the wonderful bags made by them under the mentorship of our art therapist.

The program ended with the audience asking for more. The parents were teary-eyed and could not believe they had witnessed magic unfold on stage as their children made their entry and exit independently. This program has set the precedence and the journey has just begun. The benchmark was set, now there’s only one way from here. A new journey has begun for them, all we need to do is to place our trust in them that yes, THEY CAN!

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand, to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”  – Gail Devers

Nisha Tandon

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