Looks don’t matter for me anymore..Bald or black what matters is your heart that is pure..I don’t care about the societal prejudices that inflicts the nation..
Hammering down repeatedly, what matters me most is your descriptive narration..There is symphony in your fun quotient..
What matters me most is your cherubic smile and trickling innocence..The endless banter that we share over nights..
What matters me most is your supportive hand, painting my canvas bright..Accepting me with my flaws..
What matters me most is your convincing power against societal laws..Tingling the taste buds with your stellar performance in the kitchen..
What matters me most is your appreciative gesture and occasional pitch in..Even with receding hairline, dusky complexion and not so rich repertoire of bank balance..
What matters me most is your compassionate eyes, the soothing words and the unmeasured cadence..What matters me most is your innate sense of style, the unabashed genuineness and the thin veneer that guards me when I falter..
So, you see, dear, I love the way you are!