Inebriated with conflicts when the enemies encounter
The outcome is a war which is an irrevocable disaster
Nations take forever to rebuild and restore their peace
As a war leads to nothing but profound grief
They rave on incessantly but innocents pay the price
Hatred overshadows the soldiers’ supreme sacrifice
An everlasting impact is left behind by horrendous sights
As wars remain an abuse to the victims’ human rights
Bravehearts fall on battlefields and entire humanity mourns
All that is left behind are tear stricken faces and jaded souls
Grieving families are torn apart for reasons unknown
As seeds of revenge in ingenuous hearts are sown
Violence results in nothing but fear and anxiety
One needs to advocate humaneness and make it a priority
The world is in dire need of healing touch and harmony
And make Peace the universal language of humanity
Waiting for this humanity from shrouds of enmity to unveil
To embrace compassion and allow peace to eventually prevail
Any acts of violence and destruction we must completely abhor
The only message to mankind must be “Spread peace not war”