
The Waterfall


The deep brown mountain gorges stare open-mouthed,

As their existence known only to the wilderness

Had now caught the attention of a bewildered crowd,

Who found it aesthetic and its beauty endless.


This pride, it owed to the gushing, bubbly water,

That flowed asymmetrically from the stoic, silent peaks,

And melted obediently when the Sun didn’t falter

To rise and shine, through the sky’s curtains bleak.


What started as a trickle soon gained strength,

When it good-naturedly took in its siblings,

That followed its obscure path from a far end,

Then gurgling with the joy that finding loved ones brings.


They became one coursed down sparkling in the sunshine,

Unmindful of inconsiderate rocks strewn on its way.

Except for the piercing cries we hear or a bitter whine,

Never list its mesmerizing gait and continued to flow away.


Behold! Ye man! This awe-inspiring gift of nature,

That crosses a few thousand miles to meet the sea,

Teaches you to face problems of an unseen future –

To flow through them, not change your stance or flee.


Srividya Subramanian

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