
The Village Road: A Poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

Away from the multitudinous din and bustle of the city
I set afoot the village road, carefree, murmuring a ditty
What tranquillity and peace for me did await
No rat race, no traffic jam, beauty, and bounty instead
Away from the world of noise and haste, I felt calm within
The birds warbling to charm the air with their melody so divine
As I walked through the patchy, muddy rural road
I got lost in the magic that it slowly did unfold
The sleepy plough man started his day
Plodding the road in a sleepy way
On one side of the road spread the fields so green
Picturesque natural scenery, quaint huts, I was charmed by the village scene
The women folk walked back and forth the red dusty soil
Their feet cracked from bare hearted sacrifices and toil
On one side of this road, a potter was busy with his clay
While restless rustic children ran and shouted at their play
I saw a Bullock cart plying slowly and took a ride
Unique experience, the wheels rolled and creaked, I swayed from side to side
A different feeling altogether, the idyllic radiance of the day
That will remain in my memory, never to fade away.