This life is full of mysteries and life itself is a mystery. For what shall we call this; a life so sweet in the beginning and the sweetness stopped almost immediately it started and gave way to bitterness.
That one enjoys life or not, depends on the side it faces one. For life has many sides. A man could know no grief or want for a long time and in a moment becomes a beggar. And grief, his companion.
Can we say life is partial? Life could be very easy, pleasing, and comforting to some, and on the other hand, it could be so difficult, unpleasing and filled with commotion to others. Life is so unpredictable that a servant today can become a king tomorrow and vice versa.
Either way life faces, remember to be good and kind unto people. With your wealth, help the needy and in your penury, show some love unto people because life is in stages.
Whichever side life faces you with now, it is only for a moment. Nothing lasts forever in life. When we ceased to exist in life, all that we enjoy from it ceased also. Only good deeds speak on. That is why we must live a life that touches other lives positively.
Now that you have the world at your feet be compassionate, generous and when life faces you with a gloomy side tomorrow, still continue in good deeds. For this is the policy of life.