
The New Age Woman

Yes, I am a woman, a phenomenal benediction
Rising from ashes, I am born out of conviction
The new age ‘Shakti’ in bold new ‘avatar’
I refuse to be intimidated, barred or scarred

Housewife to homemaker metamorphosed
Reckon me now a multifaceted force
Manager, planner, advisor, rolled into one
The new definition of new age woman

Gone are the times I was commoditized
At my new address, I am not vandalized
‘No domestic violence’ proclaims my house plate
‘No tolerance for teasers’ shrieks my office space

With spring in my feet and spark in my gut
I refuse to remain shut in the rut
Oh!’ She is just a woman’ I refuse to buy
I stride on with my head held high

No more a weakling at the mercy of men
Shattering stereotypes, I have come out of den
Sole male preserves are crumbling one by one
In the face of a striding phenomenal woman

Manpreet Chadha

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