
The Chair: A Poem by Madhuri Kulkarni

So many memories etched in my heart…
As and when I see this chair they dart…
The first day when I entered the house as your bride…
The whole building took me on a ride…
The sprawling huge mansion spoke stories of the past…
The days of joy and happiness flew so fast…
Older generation…crossed the bridge…
We were left to keep the generation gap abridge…
Our kids ran around and grew up so soon…
Their ideas and dreams touched the moon…
They left the nest and flew to lead their lives…
It was as if the bees abandoned the hives…
Our olden golden life returned…
We lived them totally bound…
Then you moved on to the other world…
Showing me the path I need to tread…
Sitting on this chair..reviving all…
I wait here for the ultimate call…