
The braveheart: A poem by Priya Washikar

(A letter from a Mother (Motherland) to her (soldier) son

To my son..the braveheart

I know you shall guard my borders with your Life
You are the indomitable one we all look up to.
The epitome of bravery and sacrifice 
You are my pride and my weakness too.

In your sturdy, agile arms, I feel secure
You face the perils and confront the war.
I am the one who’s blessed to have you
You, my son, are more than I ever wished for!

I admire your steady feet and determined eyes
You respect me with a feeling akin to reverence.
Your grit, your passion, your bravery and courage
You my dear son are an exemplar of endurance.

When you lay down your life, I can hardly mask my grief
Dear son, I have a wish; I pray to the almighty
A wish that comes straight from a mother’s heart
Every birth you take, your mother I shall be!