
That Pain: A poem by Shamsul Haq

Out of pain, a grieving soul seems to languish
Bodies are besmirched by daylong anguish
One weeps in silence at writhing sorrow’s marge
Scalding heart overflowing when woes writ large
The pallid lips mutter some mournful melodies
Meaningless mayhem at heart in the face of tragedies
Sorrows then are inexplicable so are pain and pounding
In the season of suffering, one seeks a reason of smoldering
Listless one is when saddled with sagging sorrows
Despite pains, one seeks a more rewarding tomorrow
How can pain be assuaged if it’s inherently excruciating?
A promising soul is busy struggling against such suffering
One must be obliged to the deluge of pains
Whilst paving a way in trillion tedious terrains
Like a wounded bird, one urges to surge so fast
A cascading stream finds its course at last
That pain as in fact is the blessings in disguise
Amidst a cavalcade of crises, a reason for rise
Fighting against farrago, one needs fortitude
That catapults one in the orbit of plentitude