
Spreading Hues of Joy in Everyone’s Life

The other day, I went to meet an old student of mine who lives in a nearby village of my city. As I drove, I came across fields with the splendour of golden hues of wheat plants ready to be harvested. Surrounding them were tall trees with their green leaves, waving at purple clouds and golden amaltas boughs laden with blossoms swaying in delight, the splash of vivacious colours brightening the earth & hearts alike. It made be reflect on the role the colours play in our lives. Every time we infuse colours in people’s lives, their fragrant felicity becomes perennial in colours of love, loyalty, liveliness & laughter. A crimson bunch of roses gifted by the husband  immediately brings a shy smile on a wife’s face radiating with blush and bliss. A cartoon with a bright colour amuses a little munchkin making him giggle and clap in glee. A blue denim jeans still brings twinkle in the eyes of my young son. Each one of us has a favourite  colour and when a dress of that colour is gifted to us, it makes us smile.

Colours in today’s life are so bleak that we all need to get a spray of sunny hues to keep the child alive in us. I remember how as kids our hands got painted blue or red with ink and water colours. On Holi, colours got smeared on our faces and attires too. We roamed around carefreely, a motley group drenched in various and veritable colours, never washing our faces but seeing them in mirrors, we laughed till our stomachs hurt. Our mothers found it difficult to recognize us as we were bathed in rainbow hues. This is the magic that colours bring in our lives. I still love the oozing bright red colouring of my hands when I cut beetroot & green of spinach makes me visualise the greenery of a farmer’s field and gleam in his eyes as he watches his yield. Golden rays of sun falling on swaying golden wheat felt like threads of harvesting hopes of farmers heralding  hues of green prosperity, celebrating the festival of ‘Vaisakhi’. I love this golden wheat so much that I especially visit countryside near my city to partake that golden shade which shines like pure gold. Similarly, nature attired in green hues in spring heralds prosperity and peace.

2023 is different, 2022 had its own hues, 2020 and 2021 catapulted us into a new world, years of learning new lessons. Yesterday it was pandemic, tomorrow it would be another calamity or adversity; we are constantly driven by fear dampening our spirit. The only solution is to revive vibrant hues of  optimism to instil strokes of serenity and serendipity in our lives and making it meaningful.

So on this festival of colours, dip in the hues of happiness and harmony, feel colours, soak yourself in the sunshine of Vibgyor and revel in its versatility, the way we all enjoy a rainbow after rain. Life is like a rainbow, we need both rain and sun in the form of love and passion for life to make it colourful. This Holi  fill the canvas of heart with cheerful hues, be a painter, use the brush of generosity and integrity. A warm handshake, hug or pat at the back washes grey gravel of sorrow and suffering.

So share your sapphire sky blended with white and ocean blue with everyone. The cascading hues of pink & purple laid on earth & horizon are messengers of affinity  telling us ‘Be yourself but live for others’. Happy Holi!

Ritu Kamra Kumar