
Silvery dream: A poem by Gomathi Mohan

Silvery dream-drop drops down from heaven in the still dark night,
Wake up to see a rainbow marble gleaming in the dawn light.
Millions of iridescent smiles happily bidding the night adieu, 
Grass scintillating in its brilliance, welcoming the day anew,
Heart leaps with joy at the sight of a dazzling diamond drop,
Spread over meadows, verges, fields, dream snoozing on the crop. 
Sparkling icy frost lipped by  squirrels and licked by rabbits,
Prismatic pearl finds its way into bird beaks too, out of habit.
Glistening on cowslips, glissading down the leaf,
Dew soaked dandelions dance in landscape’s relief.
Damp crystal bead rests on  birds and peacock’s feather,
Myriad hues in eye-catching sheen, like moorland’s purple heather.
Skyflower also adorns the buds, cradled in petal’s cloister, 
Similar to Svati, the first raindrop seeking its solace in an oyster.
Fresh and fragile the glossy pearl, skims on the lotus leaf in the pond,
Pigeon berry also hangs in spider’s web on the mossy rock beyond.
Dainty and delicate reflects in its tender drop.. sky and the moon,
Embracing nature and its beauty that lies lost sighing in a swoon. 
Tiny ball of water bloom, moistens the morning with its gleam,
Kissing the earth wet to assuage from the onslaught of the sunbeam.
As a seed that lies buried only to  shoot up to be a tree,
Drizzling dewdrop rises again to dance in nature’s soiree. 
Holding rainbow in its bosom, each dewdrop is unique,

Like you and me, marking its presence, to leave behind a luminescent streak.