
On the Verge of New Year


Furtively taking measured steps to reach the omega of habitual peregrination,

Standing at the verge of lightyear, once again it’s time to navigate life’s new missions.

No lamentation, no repentance, no remorse, only affinity,

Expatriating all uncharted gloom, propelling closer to ascertained destiny.


Inhibitions and conundrums will remain entwined in every detour,

Still the pithy youthful aurora shall beckon with viable rapture.

Even in plight of duress I can walk a mile and cross river Nile,

Transcend the billowy tribulations with all iridescent smile.


The new promenade of new year is swathed in promising radiation,

No corporeal deed can escape without paying the rightful valorization.

I have observed you in pellucidity of morn and serenade of crepuscular sky,

I have inflamed the luminaries of alacrity in meditative hours, so let me fly.


I fall, I wake, I rise like phoenix from inane state,

Repressing all debility, once again soliciting the new ambit for life, to celebrate.


Indrani Chatterjee