
Let Me Enjoy…: A Poem by Amrita Mallik

Until you return let me savor the nuggets of merriment,
Let me flap my wings harder, and fly,
Twirl in the sky, and sail on the rainbow boat,
Pushing away the grumpy clouds and angry sun,
And be one with the ever-graceful nature.
Hurriedly I must finish telling my tales,
Screaming, crying, and laughing at once,
Behold, the time is ticking fast,
I must conclude what brings me serenity,
Lest, my voice remains behind closed doors.
No, it’s not the ebony night I’m afraid of,
With or without silvery stars and moon,
I can still be fine, breathe, and broadly smile,
With the cool breeze caressing my hair and face,
I’m forever amused by the fairytale setting.
It’s my mind’s disease, an unbreakable taboo,
Sadly, society’s and dear one’s imprint,
Yet, I, the sufferer, exhausted by incessant oscillating,
Don’t know when and how will I react,
How will my day awaken, go and end.