
It’s my Realm

Breaking up with the foes of mirth (even for our own sanity) is certainly not an easy task. Its gruesome cousins try to keep you clutched. Walking alone needs a lot of courage, not because you decide to face the world, but because you have to deal with self-doubt every now and then.

Despair, despondency and dejection stand tall, and there is really no antidote except the decision to not let the brute win. The doleful demon of the past and the trepidation of the next are the unsolicited guests who bring their allies along. Yes, their best friend, ‘fear.’ The hours of chaos might seem unusually long and unnerving until you discover your real strength. “Give up, you can’t,” the noises tried to persuade; the lamp flickered, but ardor never swayed.

The difference between ‘walking alone’ and ‘being lonesome’ needs to be deciphered. The social animal in us gets anxious at the thought of being left alone. If you are not happy with yourself, you can’t be happy with anyone, anywhere. Some relationships might shatter your conviction in facing off debacle. Set yourself free from the bonds that bring you down. An arm might not be stretched for you to hold, and a hand might not wipe off your tear that falls. But a worthy relationship will cue in your worth, pat your shoulder and trust your ability to get up and make headway.

Walking alone doesn’t mean living alone or retreating into a shell, away from friends and family. It reinforces that your bonds are not bondages, that none can love you better than yourself, that the downpour cannot wash away your fiery form, and that you can dance in the rain, all on your own.

What are the pros? “The hardest walk is walking alone, but it is also the walk that makes you the strongest.” Strong people are often misjudged, but should that matter? It’s your realm and the choice to be happy (sans the trammeling expectations) will appease your soul.

What are the cons? Trust me, there are none. Discerning your self-worth and taking hold of your life can have only a plus and no minus.

As soon you recognize your potential, the blaze that kindles within will keep every doubt at length.

All in all, the spirit of ‘Ekla Chalo Re‘ (Let’s walk alone) will make you bekhauf and aazaad (fearless and free) and certainly happier.


Cause louder the thunder, the deeper the pain

One day I learned to dance in the rain

Then I realized I would row off the shortfall

With tenacity to walk alone, assiduity to stand tall

And no matter the gust of tumultuous storm

It’s my realm; nothing can now dampen my fiery form.

Ankurita Khajanchi

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