Beneath the layers of the gift of Life,
Lie ubiquitous phenomena and incidences
Amidst all the hardships that no fellow can ever escape,
It emerges as the soothing solace
Far from the madding crowd,
It is the petrichor suffusing mud home of the farmer
It is not the glory of youthful years; rather wisdom of the ancient sages
It is clearing out of the vortex inside my grey cells,
It is the spiritual enlightenment by the Muse
It is a vagabond and a gypsy, wandering in jungles and deserts
It sashays down ramps of philosophy; swaggering in a room full of intellectuals
It is the fondness for my cherubic, cheerful childhood days,
It is how I declare my profound love for my soulmate
It is Poetry!
Staffy Bhateja (Steffi)