
I love the way you are: A poem by Vandana Saxena

I don’t want you to be organized coz I love your messy self,

When you leave the drawers half open and dive into the shelf!
To find your car keys which never found a perfect space,
And the wallet which holds my picture but never kept in place !!
I don’t want you to be romantic coz I love you being practical,
When you don’t want to hold hands but read out the listicles!
To share with me your investment plans that grow with your love,
And securing my future life is your objective, all above !!
I don’t want you to be attentive coz I love you being lost,
When you don’t pay any heeds to complaints about the costs!
To quietly raise the perks and add luxury to needs,
And take me off on a holiday, profligate & lavish, yet plead !!
I don’t want you to be careful, coz I love your indifference,
When you avoid the calls, and prefer my absence!
To overcome the fears and learn from the failures,
And stand tall by my side just like a saviour!!
I don’t want you to be perfect coz I admire your imperfection,
When you embrace your flaws, and feel proud of your selection!
To make a perfect match with me, in this life and in stars,
Be yourself always, coz I love you the way you are !!