
I Know You Miss Me: A Poem by Jayashree Bhattacherjee

With a jolt you sit up after a sleepless dark night
Trying uselessly to gather yourself with all your might
And as the leaves shake in the air
With my thought in your mind, you start your morning prayer
You ruminate, when I was around, how everything seemed to be
I can feel how strongly you do miss me.
During sundown, in a trance you step into my room
The silence and emptiness grips you and fills you with gloom
You think of our mother- daughter conversations, my silly pranks and fights
You miss my voice that still echoes in your ears, my random talks at nights.
When you stand under the sky, look up and search for a star
It shows how you miss me beyond measure since we are apart
Look up and smile, don’t be sad, think of the happy times we have had
Your girl loved you with every inch of her heart.
Last year unfortunately and shockingly you lost me to Covid
Since then you keep on whispering my name with your lips turned livid
I know you miss me as you shed your tears
So loving was our bond, we both were closer than ever
Do not grieve my dearest , remember I love you and miss you too
Somewhere in the sky above I am patiently waiting for you.