
Daffodils: A poem by Subhashchandra B Adhav

Before arrival spring does aesthetic deals

Through these alluring daffodils 
Their swaying beauty no flowers can match
Wayfarers’ attention they do catch

When spring is round the corner 
Start appearing these tiny bloomers
Trumpet shape, split cup-like shapes
Their captivating beauty, my vision, it shapes

Spring is coming, they do herald
Harbingers they shine like a green emerald
Varied hues of colors, but yellow is common most 
Beautiful show, thousands they host

Emanating Narcissus familial beauty, they dance with mirth
To express it, I fail to  find words worth
It is the vivid feast to my physical eye
How I wish, I could have Wordsworth like an inward eye! 

Their vast expanse is a beauty mesmerizing
Its hypnotizing stance is really surprising  
Thought  one day its beauty would be gone for good 
It has the power to change the pensive mood into mood good!!