The daffodils bloom in diverse array,
Captivating carnival of inbred hues,
Toasting the annual visitor-throng,
At the cusp of change,
Assimilating springtime with winter thaw.
The sprightly spring offerings of the daffodils.
Vistas of shaggy blooms rippling in a breeze,
Hoisted whorls of daffodils hosting mirthful peans!
A certain dignity of the fold holds good
Assaying transition in petal song!
A swan song of time —
withering and reinventing,
floral offerings thicken…
With fistful descent, the greeting and chanting,
Daffodils holding the secret of sunshine
In every petal of assorted hue,
The divine bells resonating graces, sublime pourings,
Bountiful surprises on the seeking soul!
I would like to hold this sustaining clump within.