
Bygone Days: A Poem by Banani Sikdar

‘Be homebound’, a deep voice resonated,
Back home, halfway through games,
felt not the least frustrated.
Discipline, wasn’t an imposition, a core necessity rather,
Even a postman on duty, with smiling conjectures, delivered letters.
Exit from the movie, entry in the restaurant,
A subscription treat, a grand celebration, par excitement.
Fancy pocket money, trendy outfit,
far-fetched dream,
Paucity of purse, mind jovial, full from brim to brim.
Ensuing celebrations, instinct alert, anticipating,
A group of gigglers, busy window shopping.
Lipstick, compact, tiptoeing finger to finger,
Awkward stances in borrowed saree, reminding, ‘wear but with care’.
Sudden load shedding or arrival of guests,
School compulsive, studies inconceivable, should a while rest.
A land connection, a car, symbolic status possession,
Tapping, and winding numbers in a circular keyboard, a vintage obsession.
Puppetry, wizardry, dramatics, sublime recreations,
Monkeys, Bears danced, and Parrots talked, without legal violation.
Bagging a window seat, such a privilege,
Lost in imagination, beyond the horizontal heritage.
Exclusive, privy romance in Mills n Boons, Silhouette, Harlequin,
The Prince beside, feel of a Princess in an ornate palanquin.

Retracing days gone by, a walk through a familiar frontier,
Each grass blade, a receptive, invaluable, red-letter souvenir.