
Believe In Yourself: A poem by Vandana Bhasin

They’ll laugh at you and even ridicule you
They’ll endeavor too to enervate your spirits
But let the force of their dissuasion empower your faith
And the sound of their derision echo your belief
Believe in yourself even when none believes you
They’ll question your competency and shake your tenacity
They’ll count your failures and label it destiny too
But seek your answers in their qualms and queries
And discern your lessons in your faults and failures
Believe in yourself even when none believes you
They’ll criticize when you are drowning in your fears
They’ll overlook when you are screaming in pain
But let the winds of denunciation strengthen your roots
And their oblivion instigate you to heal your own wounds
Believe in yourself even when none believes you
They’ll suspect your ambitions when you are on a winning spree
They’ll squeeze your optimism and never believe in your dreams
But let their skepticism not propel you to quit
And their pessimism does not cloud your dreams
Believe in yourself even when none believes you